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Superior Glitter Hologram
Extra strength flat hologram thread for quilting
and embroidery. Sold on a 400yd spool.

105 Gucci gold

106 Orchid

109 Steel

110 Fuchsia

112 Peacock

114 Rainbow

130 Ruby

133 Cobalt

135 Blue Hawaii

201 Gold

202 Silver

204 Red

205 Green

206 Blue

207 Midnight
Superior Metallics
A metallic thread, sold on a 500yd spool.

000 Silver

002 Light gold

007 Gold

008 Lilac

016 Antique gold

028 Jade

031 Variegated silver

035 Pacific blue

036 Royal blue

056 Copper

059 Bronze

060 Black

062 Red

064 Antique silver
Superior King Tut
King Tut is an Egyptian grown extra long staple cotton thread,
with high strength and low lint. Sold on a 400yd spool

906 Autumn days

917 Pharaoh tales

918 Joseph's coat

921 Cleopatra
Superior Soluble Thread

